- Get 2 secured credit cards immediately
Use Wallethub.com. (Go to the bad credit section)
Get the Capital One at a $49 deposit. Gets you a $300 card with a zero annual fee
Get the Open Sky Visa at a $200 deposit. Gets you a $200 card with a $35 annual fee
Put at least $48k as income on the applications (It makes the process go smooth) - Get an account with a credit union. A credit union is the exact same thing as a bank; they specialize in auto loans
- Refinance your high interest auto loan. Only AFTER you credit scores are high enough
- With your current or brand new credit cards, never buy anything other than food Every single thing you buy tells a story about you. (No beer, cigarettes, music, clothing, electronics or medication)
- NEVER exceed 30% of the limit on the cards (for example: On $300 card do not exceed $90) Exceeding 30% by one single penny will destroy your credit scores!!!
- Do not close any credit cards ever. Closing credit cards destroys your credit scores
- DO not miss any payments. Missing payments destroys your credit scores
- Never max Out any cards, if you must do so, pay them off immediately. Maxed out credit cards will destroy your credit scores
- Do not get any retail cards (for example: Macy's, sears„ best buy etc). Store cards are not the best credit and show that you might have a shopping addiction
- If you have any past due accounts you must get all delinquent accounts current. Past due accounts will destroy your credit scores
- If you must be late on an account, calling the creditor will sometimes stop them from reporting the late on your report
- Do not create any new delinquent accounts while I'm doing your repair. Always pay on time!!!
- You must not create any new collections while I'm doing your repair
- You must not add to any revolving balances, any revolving balances must be paid as fast as possible, starting with the highest interest rate
- While I'm doing your credit repair you may get some collection calls. Collectors will try to scam you outside of the dispute process. Tell all collection calls you will never pav them
- Throw all collection letters in the trash. Remember, I'm trying to get these items deleted like they never happened. NO need for you to read that Scary stuff
- NEVER PAY ON ANY BAD DEBT!!!!! Doing so will cause great damage. UNLESS, you get sued. If you get into a lawsuit, you MUST attend the court date
- Following these instructions is mandatory prior to a second round if needed